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Soft Leather Chair
«Vanilla Seat»

Vestibulum arcu nibh, euismod et metus id, hendrerit cursus nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada.

$390   $259


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    December 24, 2021

    Sleep off the Stress

    With the never-ending Pandemic era, sleep is becoming a growing concern for many Indians. While the world seems unpredictable right now, you can get your sleep back on schedule with just a few changes. Firstly, set up a sleep schedule! At least an hour or two before you turn in, turn off electronics such as your phone, computer and TV. Before bed, practice yoga, drink some warm tea, or do anything that relaxes you and gets you in the mood for sleep. Take a warm shower or bath. Not only can this help you relax and de-stress, but it will [...]
    December 24, 2021

    The right mattress is the key to a good night’s sleep

    Are you facing trouble falling asleep? Maybe it’s your mattress! When was the last time when you changed your mattress? Don’t remember, maybe its time to change it now! A good mattress offers a perfect balance of required comfort and support, keeping the natural spinal alignment and body posture in place, thus significantly enhancing the quality of Sleep. One may expect that a quality mattress is vital for a good sleep, but it does much more than just that! It decreases our stress and anxiety levels, benefits mind and body, and improves our overall life quality. The way sleep is [...]
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